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Resident Evil 4

Survival Horror Unleashed: Dive into the World of Resident Evil 4

1.0.2 by CAPCOM
(0 Reviews) June 02, 2024
Resident Evil 4 Resident Evil 4 Resident Evil 4 Resident Evil 4 Resident Evil 4 Resident Evil 4

Latest Version

June 02, 2024
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64.2 GB
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More About Resident Evil 4

Survival is just the beginning.

Six years have passed since the biological disaster in Raccoon City.

Agent Leon S. Kennedy, one of the survivors of the incident, has been sent to rescue the president's kidnapped daughter.
He tracks her to a secluded European village, where there is something terribly wrong with the locals.
And the curtain rises on this story of daring rescue and grueling horror where life and death, terror and catharsis intersect.

Featuring modernized gameplay, a reimagined storyline, and vividly detailed graphics,
Resident Evil 4 marks the rebirth of an industry juggernaut.

Relive the nightmare that revolutionized survival horror.

■A network connection is required when starting the application.
■About the End User License Agreement
・This End User License Agreement (this “Agreement”) applies to the user’s use of this game software program (the “Program”).
・Those users between the ages of 13 and 18 (or between 13 and the age of legal majority in your country of residence) or a person with limited capacity shall install the Program only after obtaining approval from its parent or legal guardian who agrees to be bound by these provisions of this Agreement.

Please confirm the terms above and agree to this Agreement before purchasing the Program.


■A limited part of the base game can be played for free.
In order to play the full game, an in-app purchase is required.

■We recommend playing this game with a controller.
It can be played on an iPad, but using a controller will provide a better experience.
Note: Please check the Apple website for controllers compatible with iPad. Not all controllers will work as intended.

■This application is approximately 70GB.
Important Note: The installation process requires that you have at least twice the size of the application in free storage space available.
We recommend downloading the data in an environment with good connectivity.

■Save data cannot be uploaded and downloaded between MacOS and iOS devices.

Purchase Precautions

- After purchase, returns (including exchange for other products/services) will not be provided for any reason.
- In-app purchases can only be used by the Apple ID that made the purchase and cannot be shared with Family Sharing members.

iPhone 15 Pro: Console-Quality Gaming on Your Phone

when you think of playing games on an iPhone 15 the first thing that probably comes to mind is something like ginin impact but starting with the iPhone 15 Pro apple is really pushing to put console quality games on its phones while these are the first smartphones that support Hardware accelerated Ray tracing that's a mouthful the CPU and GPU in an iPhone is way less powerful than what you'll find in a PS5 obviously Apple has addressed this somewhat right out of the gate with metal upscale SC in which just like dlss uses machine

Hands-On Experience with Resident Evil 4 and Death Stranding

 learning to upscale your games to a higher resolution but when playing games like Resident Evil 4 and death stranding Apple needs a bit more than just a good [Music] algorithm IGN was recently invited to get some Hands-On time with AAA games coming to iPhone namely death stranding in Resident Evil 4 however it is clear that both of these these games are either very early in the porting process or they're just not going to be that great of an experience on your phone Resident Evil 4 was a great example of 
 this while.

the fact that the game was running natively on a phone at all was impressive the actual experience of playing the game was less so frame drops were extremely common especially when aiming a weapon or loading into an area normally you'd expect some element of performance drops on such a low power device but when the game essentially comes to a complete stop when a zombie is trying to eat your face that's a problem what makes it worse is that the game is best played with a controller rather than natively on the touchcreen

Optimized Mobile Games vs. Ported Console Games

so to really get the most out of the game you're going to need to pick up an expensive controller or controller adapter on top of paying the full $60 price for what is likely to be a worse version of the game to be clear the version of Resident Evil 4 we played was an early build so it could get a lot better but what made it stand out as especially bad was The Wealth of excellent mobile games playable on these devices there have been full versions of console games coming to iOS ever since Square Enix started sending Final

Fantasy games to the App Store but where the iPhone 15 Pro really shines is in games that are you know built for the iPhone the games we had the most fun playing were the new Sonic dream team and the division Resurgence both of these games are part of huge game franchisees but instead of sloppily shoving them onto the iPhone they're built from the ground up to be played on a mobile platform that means a legible UI usable controls and truly excellent performance neither the division Resurgence or sonic Dream Team feel like watered down cash

The Potential of iPhone 15 Pro in Mobile Gaming

grabs either like many mobile versions of bigname games have in the past Sonic dream team is an incredibly fun 3D platformer that feels better than most of the 3D Sonic games have in the past likewise the division Resurgence just feels like a fully-fledged division game especially when you pull it up on an iPad that's propped up on a table the new chipset behind the iPhone 15 Pro is also giving games like honkai Star Rail and Diablo Immortal a visual boost making them look like the premium gaming experience most people want out of their

iPhone because instead of a console game that's been downscaled and compressed to Oblivion with all the Alias thing that entails Sonic dream team is a gorgeous platformer that's fun to play whether you're using the touchscreen or a controller it almost feels like apple is ashamed of this kind of game though instead of promoting and pushing these incredible games the game apple is pushing with its new hardware is just a game that's better on your PS5 or Xbox a game like Resident Evil 4 running

on the iPhone even in its currently weakened state would have been a hell of a lot more impressive if you couldn't play the same game a lot better by just opening your Xbox game streaming app and playing it that way yeah yeah yeah you need a good internet connection to stream games like that but is playing Resident Evil 4 natively on your phone even worth it if it struggles to run at 30fps even looking back to the launch of Google stadia the places where game streaming seemed best wasn't sitting at home on your laptop or in front of your TV it was playing your games on your phone Google stadia is sleeping with the fishes now, but Xbox game streaming and to a lesser extent PlayStation Remote Play is a better way to play games like Resident Evil 4 on your phone it might even be cheaper in the long run to play games this way too thanks to Xbox game pass which is not only available on your phone but even Samsung TVs support it now I don't know what Apple can really do about this but there's a part of me that suspects that Resident Evil 4 and death stranding

Are meant more as a tech demo for the admittedly impressive A7 Pro chipset rather than just delivering a gaming experience after all apple is already delivering excellent games through Apple arcade so it clearly knows what makes for a great mobile gaming experience Resident Evil 4 on your iPhone just isn't there it's probably not in Apple's best interest that handheld gaming is on the rise again because why would you play a down resed version of death stranding on your iPhone when you could just play the game at decent quality settings on a steam deck.

Now that pretty much everyone who wants to play a game like Resident Evil 4 has a way to play that kind of game on the go whether through the Nintendo switch or a handheld gaming PC paying full price for a version that doesn't run as well on your phone is a bit harder to swallow this is especially true if you already own the game in question on Steam for instance as time goes on and the iPhone S so gets more advanced gaming is naturally going to improve but given that we're already.

there on so many other devices makes me wonder why apple is even trying to make AAA gaming happen on the iPhone it's probably never going to happen at least not in the way the Cupertino giant wants it to for more Mobile gaming

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