SmartMall: The Future of Shopping in Web 3.0 and the Metaverse

14 min read Discover how SmartMall, the future of smart shopping, revolutionizes Web 3.0 and the Metaverse. June 02, 2024 22:34 A Future Application Engine for Web 3.0 and the Metaverse, SmartMall is the Future of Shopping

Over the course of more than a decade of development, blockchain technology and the Web3 idea have steadily gained global attention. The size of the worldwide blockchain industry is expected to surpass $29.03 billion by the end of 2024, as shown by figures compiled by various agencies. In light of the fact that SmartMall is a major firm that focuses on the creation of Web3 infrastructure, what are the ways in which it may become the most influential application service provider in this growing market trend using its distinctive advantages over its competitors?


The Construction of Essential Web3 Infrastructure

The technical architecture that lies under the surface is the cornerstone around which the Web3 ecosystem is constructed. Within the realm of this industry, SmartMall might be regarded as a pioneer. Not only has it amassed a wealth of expertise in the research and development of blockchain technology, but it has also achieved significant advancements in cutting-edge domains such as artificial intelligence and financial transaction systems, therefore laying the groundwork for the construction of Web3 infrastructure.

In terms of blockchain infrastructure, SmartMall's self-developed PoP (Proof of Participation) consensus algorithm can achieve a high-level cryptoeconomic system with high concurrency, high throughput, and low power consumption, effectively solving the current issues of public chains such as congestion and high transaction fees. At the infrastructure level, this guarantees that Web3 will get support that is both efficient and scalable.

Well-known public chains like Ethereum and Solana have employed less secure PoW or PoS consensus techniques and encountered performance problems during bull markets. However, SmartMall, with its revolutionary PoP algorithm, has not only avoided this situation but also achieved improved processing efficiency and terminal compatibility, earning an edge for later ecosystem expansion.

Well-known public chains like Ethereum and Solana have employed less secure PoW or PoS consensus techniques and encountered performance problems during bull markets. However, SmartMall, with its revolutionary PoP algorithm, has not only avoided this situation but also achieved improved processing efficiency and terminal compatibility, earning an edge for later ecosystem expansion.

SmartMall's robust technical team has combined its proficiency in blockchain technology with deep integrations into other domains, including financial transaction systems and artificial intelligence, to form a comprehensive, innovative driving force during the underlying technology reserve stage.


II. Overview of the Web3 Development Landscape 

With its extensive product matrix covering nearly all of the main Web3 hot tracks, SmartMall, a rapidly developing Web3 field that can cover a wide range of tracks, has already established a significant scale.

In the DeFi area, SmartMall will construct the SmartDEX decentralized exchange. While assuring security, SmartDEX will incorporate multi-chain interoperability, dark pool trading, and other features to achieve exceptionally high processing speed and privacy, aiming to become a top-tier DEX platform. According to Dappradar statistics, the current trade volume of major DEX projects is just $25 million per day, showing that SmartDEX has better development potential and a competitive advantage.

In the NFT track, SmartMall will not only aggregate NFT items but also present the distinctive idea of Digital People IP (virtual digital human IP). By endowing NFTs with intelligent interactive qualities, their distinctive scarcity and value storage capacities are considerably strengthened. Considering that the NFT market size reached $22.5 billion in 2022, the development potential in this industry cannot be ignored.

In the SocialFi concept, SmartMall suggests constructing a three-layer social application: investment social income, gaming experience rating, and content production mining, seeking to alleviate existing pain points such as user churn in GameFi and uneven content quality. SmartMall's design strongly corresponds with customers' genuine demands, perhaps launching a new SocialFi wave. The popular institution Animoca Brands reached $1 billion with its Gamesfi+SocialFi strategy, becoming a trailblazer in the GameFI and social tracks.

Additionally, SmartMall covers several cutting-edge industries, such as GameFi, DID identification, and DataFi. By creating a complete product line, SmartMall not only has a leadership position in multiple vertical tracks but can also control the whole Web3 ecosystem growth environment, allowing it to capture new chances.

Data suggests that by 2028, the market sizes of GameFi and the metaverse would reach $53.2 billion and $13 trillion, respectively. It can be expected that SmartMall's product matrix structure aligns with the rapid development phase of these tracks, enabling endless expansion prospects.


    III. Ecosystem Aggregation Empowers the Value of SMT Tokens 

    Ecosystem aggregation capabilities are SmartMall's strongest competitive advantage. It links many situations, generating an internal loop by issuing SMT tokens and adding sophisticated ideas such as DAO, enabling different tracks to evolve in a synergistic way rather than in isolation.

    The SMT token will be integrated into a variety of application scenarios, including social, trading, creation, and gaming, as the ecosystem's universal cryptocurrency. This will allow for cross-scenario value circulation and the full realization of the token's value.

    Taking NFTs as an example, SmartMall enables users to mint NFTs by burning SMT tokens, facilitating bi-directional value transfer. For high-quality producers on the platform, they may directly hold SMT tokens to collect incentives, encouraging the generation of high-value content.

    Additionally, owning SMT tokens permits involvement in DAO self-governance by voting on the community's development path. This new value incentive model not only permits value circulation but also considerably drives participants' consensus and positive participation, pushing the ecosystem's upward growth.

    The high-quality development of the ecosystem, in turn, will boost the demand for SMT tokens, producing a positive feedback loop. This contrasts significantly with the existing occurrence of numerous zombie chains with no participant interaction. According to relevant statistics, today, more than 60% of circulating tokens are not owned by anyone, resulting in a serious liquidity shortage.

    The inherent closed loop and efficient token circulation inside the SmartMall ecosystem will certainly infuse intrinsic impetus into SMT. Furthermore, its built-in deflationary process is anticipated to push SMT's value to constantly climb, generating a black hole effect. This will be the most important benefit above conventional tokens.

    In addition to wealth circulation, SmartMall's DAO idea is also significant. It entirely decentralizes authority to community self-governance, enabling people to drive ecosystem growth. This meshes nicely with the decentralized spirit of Web3 and will likely garner greater user attention.


    IV. Collaborative Resources Empower Ecosystem Development 

    Building such a broad Web3 environment is hardly an overnight feat. Apart from its own qualities, SmartMall will continually acquire empowerment from collaborating partners, establishing a strong united force for growth.

    SmartMall has merged with various top crypto NFT protocols, such as Opensea, widening its ecosystem borders. Through this integration and mutual empowerment, SmartMall establishes a fit between NFT technology and application situations. For example, the NFT digital collectible platform Niffty utilizes blockchain technology to give digital collectibles distinct identities and implements tactics like restricted issuance to assure their scarcity and worth. After entering the SmartMall ecosystem, the two parties' collaboration achieved the integration of NFT technology and application scenarios. In the DeFi industry, SmartMall has collaborated with well-known projects like Maker Protocol, Aave, and Compound to construct the next-generation DEX exchange, SmartDEX.

    SmartMall has already started implementing its AI virtual human environment. Previously, it cooperated with a domestic AI startup team and created Human Metrix, a virtual human design system based on cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology and big data training, leading the industry in digital human design and applications. In the future, SmartMall will participate in in-depth collaboration on numerous tracks, such as virtual human AI technology and digital human IP.

    SmartMall aims to improve the competitiveness of the ecosystem by addressing real-world issues like inadequate DEX liquidity, challenges with NFT pricing, and a dearth of Web3 AI application scenarios. These issues will be addressed through cooperative integration.


    V. DAO Multi-Layer Management, Co-Governance, and Co-Sharing 

    In the guise of a DAO, SmartMall utilizes community power to begin a new cycle of Web3 innovation. An efficient and transparent operating architecture will permit quick strategic implementation.

    To increase decision-making efficiency and avoid Web3's onerous internal hierarchies while attaining centralized efficiency, SmartMall implements a flexible aggregation technique, combining its core team into a DAO form and developing the ecosystem around it. Furthermore, SmartMall separates the ecosystem into many vertical tracks, including DeFi, NFT, GameFi, and more, providing each track adequate liberty to unleash innovation. Simultaneously, SmartMall links these tracks organically via the issuing of SMT tokens, the construction of digital spaces, and other ways, generating a mutually complimentary dynamic.

    Additionally, SmartMall intends to draw on the expertise of well-known DAO groups like CurveDao to create a multi-layered management framework with co-governance and co-sharing, in which DAO members can actively contribute by suggesting initiatives for governance and earning incentives.

    Through its revolutionary technology and thorough strategic architecture, SmartMall is at the forefront of Web 3.0 and metaverse development. By developing a solid underlying technical architecture, SmartMall not only boosts the efficiency of blockchain systems but also offers a stable foundation for future digital economic models with its multi-chain interoperability and superior consensus algorithms.


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